Dealing with Cyberchondria – Proven steps for Audio-Digital Person

Have you heard about personality types? Well ! there are many such categorization depending upon regions and type of research, but in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), all people can be grouped into these 4 types of personalities –

Among these 4, the AD type is more likely to become a cyberchondriac due to his intuitive nature. They are information gatherer. Also the percentage of ADs is less in the population. Out of 10, only 1 or 2 will be AD. They always want to understand concepts and this in turn make them information gatherers. Highly curious and knowledgeable with a never stopping analytical mind, these guys can make you understand even the complex concepts. People usually take advice from the ADs. But the fact is that 80% of the AD personalities live life like an underachiever and they also know it. Sometimes, a person whom AD taught goes high in life and the AD remains below him with respect to conventional career. This happens because his own knowledge goes against him being an extreme information gatherer. He then falls into a trap what is called as KNOWING – DOING trap. Knows too much but not doing anything. The balance between knowing and doing is not there.

To take any decision, he does too much analysis and at the end mental paralysis happen and he is unable to take a decision. While travelling for instance, he take a long time to choose to stop and choose a suitable restaurant. He fall into an analysis paralysis trap. Overload of knowledge makes him an overthinker. Majority of the AD people doesn’t acquire knowledge to apply but to share with others. AD man always go to the depth of a topic and he then take the content into his internal dialogue, make associations and then learn. This is his learning style.

AD person, Health Anxiety and Cyberchondria

Almost all the AD persons have a chance of developing Health Anxiety at some point of time. During this phase, whenever there is a slight sensation in the body, AD person is going to do post mortem of that sensation. How he does that? Let’s say there is a sensation in his chest, he will simply go to Google or YouTube for verifying it by analyzing the symptoms. But Google or YouTube has a common feature that at the end, any symptom will lead to a heart attack or cancer. This way after self diagnosing he goes to the doctor. He will inform his case to the doctor in words or language that any good doctor will understand that he has come from Google, YouTube or WhatsApp university. The doctor usually prescribe some multivitamin and general anxiety, depression medicines to such persons. Even after returning home, the first thing he will do is the post mortem of those medicines like checking composition and side effects of those in Google again. Now, the AD person will become more upset because he has to tendency to be right always and in any argument. He then suspects the doctor as well that he might not have diagnosed him properly. He is actually not going to the doctor for treatment but for validation that he is right in his diagnosis. During the phase, he is never convinced that researching side effects in Google ends up either in a heart attack or cancer. This way over a period of years he develops anxiety from the side effects information. And this condition is called Cyberchondria, the victim, a cyberchondriac which is a post Internet world disorder. Cyberchondria is health anxiety due to over research of symptoms.

Stop Grinding Deeper

Never again try to go to the depth of any subject or topic or situation. Unless it is your regular work like some kind of data analysis or detective job. Don’t acquire knowledge to share free of cost.

Take Action and action again

Remember this quote always.

One small action is better than thousand noble intentions.

Knowledge is not power unless you implement it. You have the knowledge of all the good habits but what if you don’t apply. Will you benefit from such knowledge? Accumulating huge amount of knowledge leads an AD person to another condition known as Intellectual Superiority Complex. He feels like he knows that most. Even a college professor doesn’t know what he knows. Every idea generated in the mind has a momentum. So, never over analyze and get paralyze.

Stay outside as much as possible and do something

Do some agriculture activities

Remember your good school days

Organize your Digital life

You will give 2 or 3 hours to your digital life. If a good amount of income comes from your online tasks, then also vow to give a maximum of 4 hours. 2 hours in the morning and 2 in the evening.

Never ever Google Symptoms

Never again revert back to your earlier habit of googling disease symptoms. Remember the days without internet. Tell the condition to your family members first, discuss with your good relatives and friends. Go to the best doctor in the town. Usually the medical expenses is our concern. But it’s far far better to give Rs. 1000 to an honest doctor instead of googling and become a cyberchondriac again. I will prefer dying but googling symptoms again.

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